Posted by Teri on 9th Aug 2021
This organic Mung Kulthi Vadi is so good! The taste is wonderful (for me-I will explain below) and absolutely filling. I combined it with the Traditional Tridoshic Kichdi and did not feel hungry for the rest of the day. My only complaints are small but I need to address them (maybe someone else found the same things true):
1-The directions on the bag are good, but since I am relatively new to cooking this kind of food (as others might be), I believe that the kind of flame to be used for cooking this Kulthi Vadi should be listed. I had the flame a little too high; when I added the Vadi and was continually stirring it, it began to cook too quickly and I ended up burning it even though I turned the flame down when I realized the Vadi was turning too dark. (Also my fault - I did not let the pan heat up enough. You may want to add that in the directions also.)
2-There is no measurement for adding the ghee. How much? I used a tablespoon, but I really wasn't sure if that was the correct amount. To me, it looked like too much, but there was no way to correct it. It did not taste too bad, a little greasy.
3-Same thing with the herbs, no measurements are given. I used Mom's Masala; I did not measure. I just took a measuring spoon - not sure which size - and picked up about 1/2 of that size of the Mom's Masala and sprinkled it in the pan. Again, I guess it did not taste too bad, but I really am not sure how it should taste.
4-I wanted to add vegetables, but glad I did not because I burned the Vadi. If I did do this, can I add frozen vegetables (I would let them thaw out until they reach room temperature) or should I just stick to fresh. How to prepare them? Chopped? Sliced? Please add this to the directions, it would help.
Again, these are just suggestions on adding some extra instructions on the bag to help someone who is new to cooking this kind of foodstuff. Have a wonderful day! Namaste to everyone at Chandi.